Lookitsmets - Home

Hello! Welcome to my website!

Yay! I'm back! With a whole new layout. There's a lot more work to be done, but you can check out what's already up. Explore my site with the boxes below. (Please... sign my guestbook!!!)

Recent Updates:
± 9.18.03 quick update--made a [past versions] page where you can view how my webpage apparently "evolved" (in the sense of layouts) in the past year. Not especially interesting... SO!!! If you can think of a way to spice up my site, please tell me because I need your help!
± 9.13.03 *gasp* I've updated two days in a row. I was pretty concerned about everyone not wanting to read everything on my [Contact Me] page so I shrunk all the text and made it simple for you and for me. You can now fill out a form to tell me anything you'd like to say and yes, it's free.
± 9.12.03 Another much-needed update. Actually, I did only minor things, such as tone down the entrance page (the "system requirement" thing was like information overkill) and add a copyright notice at the bottom of each page (mostly for good measure). I did, however, add in some new quotes to the [quotes page] (most of which are humorous) and also the couple of good quotes mari showed me.
± 8.29.03 OK, another update! Now that I've got the basics filled in on my site, I'm going to start posting up "other" things that you can do when you get to my page. (As in, the "Miscalleny" section of my website.) Let's start with the simple stuff... like [quotes]. I've been wanting forever to have a quotes library on my site and so I'm going to start here, and now. YAY! Yup, life is all about fulfilling little dreams. Now... go read the quotes, and then tell me what you think of them. You can even contribute your own. ^_^
± 8.27.03 Yeah, well I got something done today. I did the [Contact Me] page, which I'm finding very pointless. It's two huge paragraphs which basically ramble about something I could simply say in a six to ten word sentence. Why don't I? Dunno. Anyway there's no use checking that out but please do so anyway.